Directed By: Michael Bogdanov
Star Cast: Ben Bazell , Roger Booth , Philip Bowen , Paul Brennen ,
Ben Bazell
Duke of Alencon
Roger Booth
Saunder Simpcox
Philip Bowen
Paul Brennen
King Henry VI
Ian Burford
Duke of Exeter
Jack Carr
Duke of Burgundy
Michael Cronin
Earl of Warwick
Charles Dale
John Darrell
Sir William Lucy
John Dougall
Sir John Hume
Colin Farrell
Duke of Gloucester
Michael Fenner
Lord Talbot
Robert Hands
Andrew Jarvis
Charles the Dauphin
Jennifer Konko
Mrs. Simpcox
Ann Penfold
Duchess of Gloucester
Michael Pennington
Earl of Suffolk
Clyde Pollitt
Bishop of Winchester