Told in an historically episodic fashion, Conrad Veidt depicts the Jewish man "Matathias", who helped to convince Pilate to crucify Jesus. By way of punishment, he is condemned to walk the Earth facing, enduring and surviving many of the trials that faced his race as history marched on. It is a history, of sorts. Many of the events depicted are reflections of true events - pogroms, the Spanish inquisition etc., but it's the way in which he lives his life, yearning for release - however that may manifest itself - that makes this a decent film to watch and Veidt manages this amalgam of roles quite skilfully. You can see a few short cameos from Peggy Ashcroft and Francis L. Sullivan that help to enhance this depiction of the chronology of the persecution - and persevenence - of his race, too. I don't take this film as a seriously evaluative (of religion) piece of cinema. Though overtly Christian in outlook, it is not a ram-it-down-your throat type of production. It has enough romance and adventure to keep it from moralising too much - and to keep it enjoyable to watch. I found the use of light especially effective throughout, but potently when inflicting and then rescinding his punishment and although the ending spoils it somewhat - it is abrupt, and asks way more questions than it answers - I suspect it pleased our immortal pilgrim.
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