Nunca fui Santa

Nunca fui Santa (1956-08-31)

Comedia | Drama | Romance |

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  • Status: Released
  • Runtime: 96m
  • Popularity: 6.557
  • Language: en
  • Budget: $220,000
  • Revenue: $7,270,000
  • Vote Average: 6.1
  • Vote Count: 224

  • talisencrw

    In her prime, which because of her death at any early age was all of her cinematic life, Monroe was a gorgeous force of nature very much underappreciated in her thespianism. Once I adjusted to Logan's directional style and to the rodeo and fish-out-of-water concepts, I really laid back and enjoyed this. Though it doesn't feature Marilyn's best singing--she portrays a bad singer, at least at the start--it does have some of her best acting, as she finds out she's accepted for who she really is. Wish that had happened to her in real life. Don't get me wrong: it's not by any stretch of the imagination a great film. Yet neither is it the mediocrity other people tend to say it is.