Acción | Ciencia ficción |
Directed By: Mark Bakaitis
Star Cast: Danielle Chau , Matthew Trihey , Mia Hate Russell , Tibor Dolic ,
Acción Ciencia ficción
Danielle Chau
Voice of Matrix
Matthew Trihey
Mia Hate Russell
Matrix Monopoly
Tibor Dolic
Voice of Metro
Renee Brennan
Candybar Satelite
Hatrina Baylis
Voice of Candy
Leigh Sebire
Zerox Drone
Adam Zwar
Orbit America
Matthew Osborne
Sermon Newsflash
Nicholas Stribakos
Voice of Sermon
Sandra Nikolic
Angel Dust
Darren Unsgaard
Clone Chemist / Itcorp Factory Worker
Shane Jacobson
Voice of Clones / Voice of Police / Bouncer
Justin Corrigan
Airlock / Zerox (Gimp) Body Double
Adam Breasley
Voice of Airlock / Virus Raver / Voice of Chained
Lincoln Young
Hiono Bihini
Ferdinand Hoang
Voice of Hiono
Nanae Cahill
Hiono's Bodyguard (DIGIT)