Terminator 3: La rebelión de las máquinas

Terminator 3: La rebelión de las máquinas (2003-07-02)

Acción | Suspense | Ciencia ficción |

  • Status: Released
  • Runtime: 109m
  • Popularity: 35.013
  • Language: en
  • Budget: $200,000,000
  • Revenue: $435,000,000
  • Vote Average: 6.2
  • Vote Count: 6719

  • DRDMovieMusings

    SPOILERS Under-rated, worthy chapter to the story, with surprisingly provocative ideas and some stellar acting. While this movie admittedly has neither the grit of T1 nor the grand vision or pathos of T2, I'd like to share what I believe to be three elements which together cement T3's place in the canon of the Terminator franchise. The first is the way the actors acted the relationship between Connor and the T-800. While Connor has memories that we the audience recall from T2, the T-800, played by Arnold, was not the same T-800 from T2. This is just another machine from off an assembly line of T-800s that were manufactured. Yeah, Arnold looks like Arnold, but this T-800 has no memory of the previous installment because it was not there. And he acts disconnected, distant and mechanical, betraying zero connection to Connor. That was really cool, and helped we the audience appreciate that, where the T-800 comes from, is a much bigger place than we had heretofore really digested. We only ever saw one or two at a time back in our time; the reality we had not yet seen by the time of T3, is that the future was full of these things, and there's nothing personal about them. We the audience wanted to reconnect to all the good feelings from the end of T2, we wanted to get personal with these machines, and that's really hard to do. This movie smacked us back to "reality". The second aspect is that this is the movie that puts the transition to SkyNet into a context that we could see. Now we know why and how the government handed control over to SkyNet. T3 displayed what we'd heard a little about in T1, and a little more about in T2, but it did so in a way that did not prompt much in the way of "where did that come from?" or "what are they talking about" that I've ever come across (Terminator Salvation failed test this miserably, spectacularly). The third and final aspect of the movie that, for me, was rather provocative is that, right up to the end, we the audience are following the stubborn view of Connor that judgment day can be stopped. He was sure they'd stopped it at the end of T2. He was sure they were racing to stop it throughout T3...but, if we the audience stopped ourselves from being emotionally carried away, we'd have come to the realization Connor did earlier that judgment day could not be stopped. The terminators kept coming back from the future because the technology had advanced to where it was both possible and necessary. So judgment day did happen, and the terminator being there meant it couldn't be stopped. Is T3 the best in the franchise? Heck no! C'mon, I'm not totally crazy. Is it the worst? I don't think so, at all. (I, personally, lay that crown on Terminator Salvation, but I digress...) T2 is the best, for me, for a few reasons. T1 is the honourable second because it started the story and set up many of the devices that would help make T2 among the great sequals of all time - right up there with Godfather 2 and Star Wars Episode 2, and Blade II :-)

  • Gimly

    The worst _Terminator_ movie. Which seeing as what came after it is... Quite the burn. _Final rating:★½: - Boring/disappointing. Avoid where possible._

  • CinemaSerf

    Is it in the song "American Pie" where Don McLean sings "Fire is the Devil's only friend"? Well, I hate to contradict him, but I am afraid time travel is also one of his allies - especially when it is handled in quite such a derivative fashion as this. This time Arnie returns from the future to protect the under-the-radar drifter "Connor" (Nick Stahl) and his as yet unknown, future, wife "Kate" (Claire Danes) from another, much more state of the art "Terminator" - the "T-X" (Kristanna Loken). The plot thickens when we discover that her father is an US Air Force general in charge of an whole load of military tech and that baddies Skynet hope to be able to manipulate the past and take control of the defences leaving the nation open to attack from even more of their deadly machines. Could they be re-inventing their own future - on their own, dastardly, terms? Well, of course the original T-1000 (our friendly, neighbourhood, "Terminator") is determined to work with "Connor" and the now remarkably adept with weaponry "Kate" to ensure that this catastrophe is thwarted. Nope, there is not the slightest amount of menace or jeopardy here at all. You might as well just watch the last ten minutes and confirm what you knew was going to happen from the start of this completely unnecessary sequel. The horse has been well and truly flogged; the action scenes - though impressive enough on the VFX front - are all repetitively predictable and frankly rather dull. Neither Stahl nor Danes really fit into their roles particularly well, and strong as he is, Mr. Schwarzenegger can only do so much of the heavy lifting before even his broad shoulders get too tired to prop the whole thing up. Mark Famiglietti provides a bit of eye candy, but otherwise this is all poorly written and delivered, forgettable, stuff that just about passes OK the time in front of the telly.

  • GenerationofSwine

    Well... I kind of feel like giving this 10 stars based on Salvation and, especially, Genisys. I mean, in retrospect, compared to those two, it actually feels like you are watching a really good movie doesn't it? It has a plot that actually makes sense, and, unlike Genisys, it fits into the greater Terminator story without changing everything just to, well, just to change the entire canon and story for the sake of... what? I honestly don't know. However, when you compare it to Terminator and T2, it actually seems like you are watching a horrible movie. Nick Stahl was possibly the worst person to play John Conner they could have cast, Sarah Coner is gone (and with her the protagonist everyone loved) and Claire Danes just doesn't seem to know what she's doing in the film. Not only that, but Stahl comes across as the worst possible leader on earth... and he's the one that is supposed to be the legend that finally beats the machines? Seriously? Him? It might have been better if the Terminatrix was in it for more than a blink of the eye, but she kind of takes a back seat to everything else that is going on and leaves us wondering why they even added her into the movie. Ultimately, it's not a good film. However, compared to Salvation and the typo, it comes across as a masterpiece.