
Antropoide (2016-08-12)

Historia | Suspense | Bélica |

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  • Status: Released
  • Runtime: 120m
  • Popularity: 28.991
  • Language: en
  • Budget: $0
  • Revenue: $4,600,000
  • Vote Average: 7.1
  • Vote Count: 994

  • Reno

    **Assassinating the nazi general was their mission, but it initiated the resistance.** Honestly, I thought it was some science fiction film. The title sounded like one, so I had to google for its definition. This is an assassination theme, that sets in the early 40s in the Czechoslovakia. The early days of the world war two, where the exile soldiers were sent to eliminate the nazi general Reinhard Heydrich, who was handling the Czechoslovakian affairs. From theirs preparation to the plan execution and the outcome of the result was what this film reveals for us. A war film, that too was based on the real, especially the WWII means no need to say how powerful it would be. This was directed by the 'Metro Manila' filmmaker. An internationally produced film, but the cast does not have any big names. I mean Jamie Dornan and Cillian Murphy are not globally recognised, particularly when it comes to the film marketing. So it stumbled at the box office. I liked them both and the others as well. The film was not bad as criticised by the film critics. I would say make your own call after watching it. It was so neat and clean on what it dealt with. The issue with it was too much blank space and then in the mid part where the assassination happened, the film came alive. Again towards the final, the pace gone up and finished strongly. So I think overall length should have been trimmed for a better narration/result. Not for me, I liked as it is now, but some viewers think it is a draggy. Small budget film, but worth a watch. Because the production quality was great, no compromise on visuals or the settings, but most of them were shot in the real locations to give us the real effect. Definitely one of the best film among WWII related theme. Anyway, this is not a war film, but very much similar to the recent Korean film 'Assassination' about killing the Japanese general. Films like this are must see, because it reveals how much the people, the society and the nation struggled under the nazi atrocities. Surely recommended! _8/10_

  • CinemaSerf

    This is a competent remake of the 1975 "Operation Daybreak" film that tells the story of the assassination of Hitler's Czech leader Reinhard Heydrich. It's fair to say that this man was a pretty ghastly individual, behind much of the Nazi's policies of extermination and answerable only to Himmler and the Führer in the grand scheme of things. "Kubis" (Jamie Dornan) and "Gabcik" (Cillian Murphy) have been sent by the government in exile in London to kill this relatively poorly protected man, but their arrival causes considerable consternation amongst the local resistance. They fear, all too realistically, the impact that any attempt on Heydrich's life will have on the local population. Entire villages are likely to be wiped out and wholesale slaughter will certainly ensue. Their question is: is this just one act too far or is it just the message they want to send to prove they are not yet under the SS jackboot. It's a well crafted if a little slow iteration of this story of courage and I wasn't really sold on the two lead performances. They are adequate enough but somehow the sense of menace isn't as developed or palpable as with the frankly much more potent version from the mid 1970s. The conclusion is history, so there's not much room for Sean Ellis to manoeuvre, but he does manage to use a solid supporting cast to capture the determination of a population that realises more - and greater - sacrifices must be made if they are to regain their freedom. The film looks great, plenty of attention to detail and some fine Prague photography but it is just a little sterile for me. Worth a watch, though - just not great.