Deadpool 2

Deadpool 2 (2018-05-10)

Acción | Comedia | Aventura |

  • Status: Released
  • Runtime: 120m
  • Popularity: 16.775
  • Language: en
  • Budget: $110,000,000
  • Revenue: $785,896,632
  • Vote Average: 7.489
  • Vote Count: 18217

  • garethmb

    The Mercenary with a mouth is back with the eagerly awaited arrival of “Deadpool 2”. The films sees the generally well-meaning but highly dysfunctional Deadpool (Ryan Reynolds), back to taking out bad guys as a contract player but also managing his relationship with Vanessa (Morena Baccarin). When an unexpected event sends his life into a freefall, Deadpool tries to find a new purpose with the help of his X-Men associates from the last film who attempt to recruit him into their organization. His first mission is to defuse an angry and destructive young mutant named Russell (Julian Dennison), which takes an unexpected turn and lands them both in serious trouble. One would think that would be enough to cause some major life changes for Deadpool but thanks to the arrival of Cable (Josh Brolin), a cyborg soldier from the future; things are about to get much more complicated and intense. Undaunted, Deadpool opts to form his own league of heroes and aside from Domino (Zazie Beetz); they seem to be as unlucky or dysfunctional as their leader which makes for some very hysterical consequences. What follows is an action and laugh-laden adventure which brings even more of what made the first film such a success to the audience as the film takes the bawdy action of the first and ups the ante thanks in large part to an expanded budget and cast. My biggest concern for the film was that with an expanded budget there would be too many characters and an attempt to do far too much with the film. That did play out at times in the beginning as for me, the first film worked so well as they had to let the characters rather than the action and effects carry it and the rapid-fire arrival of so many jokes and creative profanity made repeat viewing of the film necessary to catch everything. This time out we get elaborate action and chase sequences as well as a much larger cast. At times it seemed as if this would possibly overshadow the characters and story but Reynolds and Director David Leith never let it cross that line. They also go back to the core elements in the final third of the film which really allows the film to fully connect with the tone of the original film and brings the film home to a satisfying conclusion. What really sold the film for me was the brilliant and very inspired extended scene during the credits which allows Deadpool to “fix” various issues which perfectly captures the irreverent character and the best aspects of the series where the cast is willing to make fun of themselves as well as the larger universe in which their characters exist. I cannot wait to see what comes next as “DeadPool 2” is another fun outing for the character and something very different from most comic based movies. 4 stars out of 5

  • TobyBenson

    An utterly hilarious movie, with hundreds of pop culture references. A movie that doesn't take itself seriously, creating a silly, yet sensible dynamic. A must watch!

  • tmdb76295109

    All in all, I prefer a Marvel movie that doesn't take itself seriously, but the nonstop unseriousness of Deadpool 2 can wear you down, too.

  • Mark Rushow

    Terminator + Adam Sandler = Deadpool 2. Anyone else notice that? Even Deadpool calls Cable Jon Connor but the whole movie is structured like a Terminator movie. Cable is like a combination of Jon Connor and a Terminator. All the comedy is styled just like an Adam Sandler movie. And that is it. Works pretty good oddly. It is the Terminator movie that never was. Though the director of the first Deadpool wasn't directing this movie he is actually directing the next Terminator film.

  • Gimly

    Takes some pretty hardcore departures from the first movie in terms of characters, but _Deadpool 2_ is still funny as Hell (maybe not quite as funny as it thinks but still, very very humorous) and Ryan Reynolds once again absolutely nails the titular role. I never loved either of these movies as much as it seems people did by and large, but I do **like** them, and that's not nothin'. _Final rating:★★★ - I liked it. Would personally recommend you give it a go._

  • Per Gunnar Jonsson

    I have to say that I quite enjoyed this movie. Was there a lot of juvenile jokes? Oh yes. Was the characters sometimes over the top and silly? Yes again. Was the script and story anything to write home about? Of course not! Was there a lot of gratuitous violence? Hell yes! But then, this was pretty much what could be expected. Anyone offended or surprised by this should not really have picked this movie in the first place. Despite the fairly juvenile jokes, the sometime illogical script and the way over the top chop-chop-and-chop-some-more violence I had great fun watching this movie. I really enjoyed the action sequences a’la Kill Bill, the special effects and yes, the jokes. Most of the time at least) Everything was so silly and over the top that it actually became funny. Each scene, taken by itself, would probably have been considered silly, or even bad, by me but stringed together in the context of the movie as a whole it just worked. For me at least. The action sequences, CGI and everything that should be in a superhero movie was, in my mind, quite good. Also, despite not really being anything to write home about the story was quite adequate. Simple, straightforward and a lot better than the crap that a lot of the stuff that social and political correctness preaching writers at Marvel are spewing out these days. I definitely liked Cable as the hard hitting ass-kicking cyborg. When Domino was first introduced I was not impressed, even though she’s hot. I mean, luck as a superpower? However, when she started to pull all these hilarious stunts with these incredibly unbelievable chains of events I quickly changed my mind. Oh, and I did like Deadpool of course. That goes without saying. If you do not like the main protagonist it is difficult to like the movie itself is it not? Most of the other characters were between okay and so so. The one character I never really liked was Firefist. He was never funny, just incredibly stupid and childish. The team of fellow mutant “warriors” that Deadpool pulled together? Well let’s say that I am not that disappointed that they were somewhat “expendable” but it looks like that was the whole point of it. When the first of them whammed into that bus I thought “What the f…?” and then it just continued with one gory event following another. Nice touch with the blue blood by the way. I guess the guy was an alien after all. To sum it up, a lot of the movie was pretty much what I expected but altogether I think I was positively surprised. Two hours of great fun actually.

  • GenerationofSwine

    Really I felt the jokes landed a heck of a lot more in this one than they did in Deadpool, and for a movie like this it counts for a lot. It seemed to hit all ends of the political spectrum in the humor, and that too worked, especially as the character is satirical and prone to break the 4th wall...which also applies to our society as a whole. And it worked very well for this film. The blood, the sex, the vulgarity all actually added to the plot as a whole, it fit like a glove and accented the humor as a whole to make the film darkly funny, especially with a plot that at times was intentionally inane and pointless and, at times, deeper than you'd expect for a self-deprecating super hero film. It's worth watching twice at least, even if, the second time around, you see all the best laughs coming.

  • The Movie Mob

    **Deadpool 2 adds awesome new characters and tones down the extreme crudeness to make a sequel that is more enjoyable than the original.** I’m not much of a Deadpool fan. The humor was much too crude and nonsensical for me to enjoy the first outing, but the sequel toned it down to a PG-13 rating for the sequel, and as a result, I had a much better experience! One of the significant improvements over the first movie was the exciting additions of Cable and Domino to the cast. Josh Brolin was a fantastic choice for Cable, and the design and grittiness of the character were amazing to see on the screen. I also liked the way Deadpool 2 depicted Domino’s powers in a more tangible way than even the comics can show (and Zazie Beats was fantastic in the role too). Even Brad Pitt was fun in his brief role. I love the X-Men, and this movie ventured further into that world than its predecessor. The fun time travel scene of Reynolds correcting all of his career and Deadpool mistakes was comedic gold! Deadpool 2 was a much better outing to me, but that’s probably due to the very same reasons that so many traditional Deadpool fans didn’t like it.

  • Andre Gonzales

    Not as good as the first. Still good though. Also my favorite x-men of all time juggernaut is in this.