Awful train wreck of a watch, will not watch again, and can't recommend. The writing in this is awful: the structure and the character work are horrible, and the plot(s) is barely passable, but the execution could be a significant factor. Josh Peck has clearly lucked out networking since his child acting career to even be in this piece of garbage, and Tony Revolori is so wildly unlikable I even hate him being in Spiderman as Flash, the guy you're supposed to hate: I don't even like him for not liking him. Chester Tam is completely replaceable: he doesn't do a bad job, it just is an empty role. Kevin Corrigan is the only male actor worth mentioning in a positive light. He has the bare minimum of good acting in this and reminded me that movie COULD have gotten better at some point. The ladies are the best parts of this movie. Stella Maeva ("The Magicians") and Cleopatra Coleman ("Last Man on Earth") have the best characters: empowered even without authoritative roles, and they're so underwritten that they basically get paid for looking beautiful and doing a days worth of decent acting. I really wish I had anything else positive to say about the movie, but when the best thing you can say about a movie is, "I like x" or "x is gorgeous", it's a high sign that the movie isn't worth the time.
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