Una Propuesta indecorosa

Una Propuesta indecorosa (1993-04-07)

Romance | Drama |

  • Status: Released
  • Runtime: 117m
  • Popularity: 16.466125
  • Language: en
  • Budget: $38,000,000
  • Revenue: $266,614,059
  • Vote Average: 6.4
  • Vote Count: 1463

  • r96sk

    The onscreen talent carry it tremendously. <em>'Indecent Proposal'</em> is a film that takes itself too seriously, which is a surprise given its ludicrous plot. It could've worked better as a comedy. Anyway, while viewing I was expecting/hoping for a moment of true drama that would set things alight, but it just waltzes through its 117 minute run time with little surprise and interest. Demi Moore, Woody Harrelson and Robert Redford do make events much more enjoyable than they ought to be, though. I liked their performances. Noteworthy, also, to see Oliver Platt and, minorly, Billy Bob Thornton. It is pretty meh, but thanks to the main trio it's just narrowly a good watch.