Them Thar Hills

Them Thar Hills (1934-07-21)

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  • Status: Released
  • Runtime: 20m
  • Popularity: 4.451
  • Language: en
  • Budget: $0
  • Revenue: $0
  • Vote Average: 7.6
  • Vote Count: 65

  • talisencrw

    Some genius comedic bits here, as on a much-needed vacation to soothe Ollie's nerves, the famed duo camp in the country and inadvertently get drunk on moonshine, thinking it's 'healthy mountain water'. They share its virtues with a beautiful woman and then have to deal with the crazily jealous husband. Highly recommended if and when you need a few really good laughs!

  • CinemaSerf

    So poor old Ollie has gout! To help him recover, he and Stan retreat to a remote mountain shack where it transpires the local moonshiners have been hiding their produce in plain sight - in the well! Gradually the pair discover that they are rather partial to the local water. There is a fun sequence with Charlie Hall amongst some amiable antics, and though maybe we have seen a few of the scenarios elsewhere amongst this duo's output before, this is a tightly paced but simple and amusing twenty minute outing that I really quite enjoyed.