Drama | Historia | Aventura |
Un grupo de oficiales de la Guardia Imperial Rusa prepara una revuelta en diciembre de 1825, cuando unos 3.000 soldados se negaron a jurar lealtad al nuevo Zar.
Directed By: Andrey Kravchuk
Star Cast: Леонид Бичевин , Максим Матвеев , Павел Прилучный , Иван Янковский ,
Drama Historia Aventura
Леонид Бичевин
Sergey Muravyov-Apostol, lieutenant colonel of the Chernigov regiment
Максим Матвеев
prince Sergey Trubetskoy, Colonel of the Guard, Duty Officer of the General Staff
Павел Прилучный
Pavel Pestel, Colonel Commander of the Vyatka Regiment
Иван Янковский
Mikhail Bestuzhev-Ryumin, second lieutenant of the Poltava Infantry Regiment
Антон Шагин
Kondraty Ryleev, poet, journalist
Александр Домогаров
Count Mikhail Miloradovich, military governor-general of St. Petersburg
Игорь Петренко
Baranov, grenadier of the Chernigov regiment, demoted major
Сергей Перегудов
Artamon Muravyov, Colonel, Commander of the Akhtyr Hussars
Виталий Кищенко
Emperor Alexander I
Иван Колесников
Nikolai Pavlovich, brother of Alexander I
Алексей Гуськов
Prince Alexey Shcherbatov, the military governor-general of Kiev
Сергей Колтаков
Nikolay Mordvinov, senator
Владислав Ветров
Gustav Gebel, Lieutenant Colonel Commander of the Chernigov Regiment
Александр Лазарев мл.
Alexander Benkendorf, cavalry general
Ингеборга Дапкунайте
Princess Belskaya, Anna's mother
Софья Эрнст
Anna Belskaya
Артём Ткаченко
Amphelt, Colonel
Ефим Петрунин
Ivan Sukhinov, Lieutenant of the Chernigov Regiment