En el limbo

En el limbo (2020-09-28)

Drama | Comedia |

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  • Status: Released
  • Runtime: 105m
  • Popularity: 7.749
  • Language: en
  • Budget: $0
  • Revenue: $224,405
  • Vote Average: 6.9
  • Vote Count: 108

  • CinemaSerf

    There is something perfectly apposite about the title of this semi-comedic tale of four young Syrian refugees stuck on a remote, but curious and friendly, Scottish island whilst they await a decision on their asylum applications. Living in an unfurnished house they must reconcile their constant restlessness with their desire to integrate and to settle somewhere - whilst trying to adapt to the less the friendly weather conditions! The principle character is "Omar" (Amir El-Masry) who was once an accomplished musician, but since his migration has lost the motivation to play. It's only when his friend/agent/manager tries to convince him to play in the village hall, and after several rather amusing conversations from a phone box with his parents at home, that we think that maybe he might just get his oud out once again. It's a gently paced, frequently amusing observation of the effects of ennui on these men and it's not all happy endings either. Well worth a watch.