2000 Mules

2000 Mules (2022-05-20)

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  • Status: Released
  • Runtime: 86m
  • Popularity: 7.054
  • Language: en
  • Budget: $5,000,000
  • Revenue: $1,465,513
  • Vote Average: 6.347
  • Vote Count: 36

  • alexas

    Stop what you're doing right now. Go check FactCheck.org, Reuters, NPR, AP News, Washington Post, or any other fact-checker. **EVERYTHING IN THIS FILM IS FALSE!!!** GPS is not pinpoint accurate (anyone who has used Google Maps and seen their icon jump from block to block knows this). In court, it can only be used to identify you as being in a particular area. Ballot drop boxes are intentionally placed in high-traffic areas, like libraries, malls, or schools. In my case, it was across the street from the grocery store I walk to, right next to the library, perpendicular to a major road. Most people interviewed in this film refused to cooperate with independent fact-checkers. One that did attempted to show the GPS technique, only to be informed that his locations did not match up. At no point does this film show anything illegal. That begs the question: if the makers really did have proof of fraud, why didn't they submit it to the FBI, or even local authorities? (This is how 4 illegal votes *for Trump* were uncovered in the Florida villages) Seems kinda selfish that the makers would prioritize making money for themselves over bringing people to justice.

  • Adson68

    A documentary showing one of the ways in which the 2020 US Presidential election was stolen, or "fortified" as it usually referred to by the perpetrators. This documentary shows how "mules" took advantage of unprotected dropboxes to flood the election with questionable ballots. It shows video footage and links that information to cellphone tracking to infer the routes travelled by the mules between dropboxes. The film features various prominent political commentators in conversation as they discuss the implications of the presented evidence. Of course, this documentary has been repeatedly attacked by propaganda outlets in a desperate attempt to stop people from seeing it. If you're a free-thinker, see it for yourself.

  • esoul

    The producers do not understand how to show that their claim "voter fraud" is true. You need to have premises(established facts) that connect with each other to then support the claim. However in this movie the producers are lacking evidence to even create the needed premises. So they start guessing and basically say "There is just no other possibility if you see whats happening". Well.... in pre school this logic might work, but in real life, as soon as you say "It cannot be any other way, because I have no evidence" you make a fool of yourself. The movie is worthless. Try the courts with it... will be fun.